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Load and apply luts in all versions of vegas with the visioncolor lut plugin use 3d lookup tables right inside your favorite editor and take advantage of the highest quality interpolation algorithms engineered for stunning, cinema quality color grading. Thanks to visioncolor’s free lut plugin, sony vegas pro users can now join in on the fun. vegas pro’s multifaceted fx pipeline allows you to apply luts to your footage at various points in the editing process. this step-by-step guide shows you when and where to use visioncolor’s lut plugin in vegas pro for the greatest impact.. Ofx lut plugin allows you to apply luts to your video footage or emulate film stocks in all ofx compatible versions of sony vegas 13. it uses the same, high quality framework for color processing and value interpolation as professional, film industry color grading systems and works with both 1d and 3d luts in all common file formats..